Reports & Other Monographs in English
de Haas, Hein, Sara Elder, Marco Principi and Kerilyn Schewel. (2015) Youth and rural development: Evidence from 25 school-to-work transition surveys . Geneva: International Labour Office (ILO).
de Haas, Hein (2014) Morocco: Setting the Stage for Becoming a Migration Transition Country? Migration Information Source Profile. Washington, DC: Migration Information Source. (Version Français )
de Haas, Hein (2011) The determinants of migration processes and their interaction with migration policies: An exploratory review of the Australian case. Paper prepared for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), Australian Government.
Paoletti, Emanuela, Hein de Haas, Carlos Vargas-Silva (2010) Global Migration Futures: The Concept and Theory of Migration Scenarios, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
de Haas, Hein, Carlos Vargas-Silva, and Simona Vezzoli (2010) Global migration futures: A conceptual and methodological framework for research and analysis . International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
de Haas, Hein (2009) ‘Mobility and Human Development’ , Human Development Research Paper 2009/01 New York: UNDP
de Haas, Hein (2009) Morocco: Migration Profile , Focus-Migration 16.
de Haas, Hein (2008) ‘Irregular Migration from West Africa to the Maghreb and the European Union’ , Geneva: International Organisation for Migration.
de Haas, Hein (2007) ‘Remittances, Migration and Social Development: A Conceptual Review of the Literature’ , Geneva: United Nations Research Department for Social Development.
de Haas, Hein (2007) The Myth of Invasion: Irregular migration from West Africa to the Maghreb and the European Union , IMI Research Report, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
de Haas, Hein (2007) Migration and Development: Recent Trends and New Insights. Report commissioned by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate-General for International Cooperation, the Netherlands.
de Haas, Hein (2007) ‘Between Courting and Controlling: The Moroccan State and ‘its’ Emigrants’’ , COMPAS Working Paper 54 Oxford: Centre for Migration, Policy and Society, University of Oxford
de Haas, Hein (2007) ‘Migration and Development: A Theoretical Perspective’ , COMCAD Arbeitspapiere 29 Centre on Migration, Citizenship and Development, University of Bielefeld
de Haas, Hein (2006) ‘Engaging Diasporas: How Governments and Development Agencies Can Support Diasporas’ Involvement in Development of Origin Countries ‘, Oxford: International Migration Institute, University of Oxford
de Haas, Hein (2006) ‘Trans-Saharan migration to North Africa and the EU: Historical Roots and Current Trends ‘, Migration Information Source.
de Haas, Hein (2006) International Migration and National Development: Viewpoints and Policy Initiatives in Countries of Origin – The case of Nigeria. Report prepared for Radboud University, Nijmegen and Directorate General for International Cooperations (DGIS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands. International Migration Institute, James Martin 21st Century School, University of Oxford.
de Haas, Hein (2005) Morocco: From emigration country to Africa’s migration passage to Europe. Country profile Morocco. Migration Information Source .de Haas 2005
de Haas, Hein (2005) Morocco’s Migration Transition: Trends, Determinants and Future Scenarios. Global Migration Perspectives Research Papers Series No 28. Geneva: Global Commission on International Migration.
de Haas, Hein (2005) International Migration, Remittances and Development: Myths and Fact . Global Migration Perspectives Research Papers Series No 30. Geneva: Global Commission on International Migration.
de Haas, Hein (2001) Migration and Agricultural Transformations in the Oases of Morocco and Tunisia. (Utrecht : KNAG)
de Haas, Hein (1997) Consultative Political Participation in ELAINE cities . ELAINE/EC. Maastricht: European Centre for Work and Society.
de Haas, Hein (1997) The Role of Self-Organisations of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in the Local Authority . ELAINE/EC.Maastricht: European Centre for Work and Society.
de Haas, Hein (1997), Ethnic Minority and Employment Policies in Finland, the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, and France: A Comparative Study . Maastricht: European Centre for Work and Society.
de Haas, Hein (1997) Political Participation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in the Local Authority. ELAINE/EC. Maastricht: European Centre for Work and Society