- De Haas, Hein. (2024) Changing the migration narrative: On the power of discourse, propaganda and truth distortion. IMI Working Paper Series, No. 181/PACES Project Working Paper No. 3. International Migration Institute.
- Berriane, M., de Haas, H., & Natter, K. (2021). Social Transformations and Migrations in Morocco. IMI Working Papers Series, No. 171. International Migration Institute.
- De Haas, Hein, Sonja Fransen, Katharina Natter, Kerilyn Schewel and Simona Vezzoli. (2020) Social Transformation. MADE/IMI Working paper no. 166. International Migration Institute.
- De Haas, Hein. (2019) Paradoxes of Migration and Development. MADE/IMI Working paper no. 157. International Migration Institute.
- Fransen, Sonja, and Hein de Haas. (2019) The Volume and Geography of Forced Migration. MADE/IMI Working paper no. 156. International Migration Institute.
- de Haas, Hein et al. (2018) International Migration: Trends, determinants and policy effects. DEMIG/IMI Working paper no. 142. International Migration Institute.
- de Haas, Hein, Simona Vezzoli and María Villares-Varela. (2019). Opening the floodgates? European migration under restrictive and liberal border regimes 1950-2010 . MADE/IMI working paper no. 150. International Migration Institute.
- de Haas, Hein et al. (2018) International Migration: Trends, determinants and policy effects. DEMIG/IMI Working paper no. 142. International Migration Institute.
- de Haas, Hein and Sonja Fransen. (2018). Social transformation and migration: An empirical inquiry. MADE/IMI Working paper no. 141. International Migration Institute.
- Vezzoli, S, Bonfiglio, A. and Hein de Haas (2017). Global migration futures: Exploring the future of international migration with a scenario methodology .DEMIG/IMI Working Paper no. 132. Oxford: International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- Czaika, M., de Haas, H. and María Villares-Varela (2017). The global evolution of travel visa regimes: An analysis based on the DEMIG VISA database. DEMIG/IMI Working Paper no. 134. Oxford: International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein and Katharina Natter (2015). The Determinants of Migration Policies. Does the political orientation of governments matter? DEMIG/IMI Working Paper no. 107. Oxford: International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein and Marie-Laurence Flahaux. (2016) African Migration: Exploring the role of development and states. DEMIG/IMI Working Paper no. 105. Oxford: International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein (2014) Migration theory: Quo vadis? IMI Working Paper No. 100 / DEMIG Project Paper No. 24. Oxford: International Migration Institute.
- de Haas, Hein, K Natter and S. Vezzoli (2014) Growing restrictiveness or changing selection? The nature and evolution of migration policies, IMI Working Paper No. 96 / DEMIG Project Paper No. 22. Oxford: International Migration Institute
- Czaika, Mathias and Hein de Haas (2014) The Effect of Visa Policies on International Migration Dynamics, IMI Working Paper 89 / DEMIG Project Paper No. 18, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- Vezzoli, Simona, M Villares-Varela and Hein de Haas (2014) Uncovering international migration flow data: Insights from the DEMIG databases, IMI Working Paper No. 88 / DEMIG Project Paper No. 17. Oxford: International Migration Institute
- de Haas, Hein, K Natter and S. Vezzoli (2014) Compiling and coding migration policies: Insights from the DEMIG POLICY database, IMI Working Paper No. 87 / DEMIG Project Paper No. 16. Oxford: International Migration Institute
- Czaika, Mathias and Hein de Haas (2013) The globalisation of migration: Has the world really become more migratory? DEMIG/IMI Working Paper, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- Naudé, W., J F Maystadt, A de Brauw, R Lucas, F Gubert, F Wouterse, and H de Haas (2013) The Development Potential of Migration: the status quo, lessons from the other regions, and implications for research, Thematic Research Note 04, International Food Policy Research, West and Central Africa Office.
- de Haas, Hein and D Jolivet (2012) ‘The effect of perceptions in migration aspirations: multivariate analysis’ in Cross-country analyses and theoretical conclusions, Report WP9, EUMAGINE Project Paper 13.
- Bakewell, Oliver, Hein de Haas, and Agnieszka Kubal (2011) Migration systems pioneers and the role of agency, IMI working paper 48, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- Czaika, Mathias and Hein de Haas (2011) The effectiveness of immigration policies: A conceptual review of empirical evidence. DEMIG/IMI Working Paper, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein and Simona Vezzoli (2011) Leaving matters: the nature, evolution and effects of emigration policies. DEMIG/IMI Working Paper 34. International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein (2011) The determinants of international migration: Conceiving and measuring origin, destination and policy effects. DEMIG/IMI Working Paper 32. International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- Kubal, Agnieszka, Oliver Bakewell and Hein de Haas (2011) The evolution of Ukranian migration to the UK: A THEMIS scoping study, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- Kubal, Agnieszka, Oliver Bakewell and Hein de Haas (2011) The evolution of Brazilian migration to the UK: A THEMIS scoping study, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- Kubal, Agnieszka, Oliver Bakewell and Hein de Haas (2011) The evolution of Moroccan migration to the UK: A THEMIS scoping study, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- Czaika, Mathias and Hein de Haas (2011) The role of internal and international relative deprivation in global migration. DEMIG/IMI Working Paper. Oxford, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein (2010) Migration transitions – a theoretical and empirical inquiry into the developmental drivers of international migration. IMI working paper 24. International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein & Simona Vezzoli (2010) Migration and development: Lessons from the Mexico-US and Morocco-EU experiences. IMI working paper 22. International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein (2009) Migration system formation and decline. A theoretical inquiry into the self-perpetuating and self-undermining dynamics of migration processes. IMI working paper 19. Oxford: International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein and Tineke Fokkema (2009) Intra household tensions and conflicts of interest in migration decision making: a case study of the Todgha valley, Morocco. IMI working paper 17. Oxford: International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein (2009) Mobility and Human Development. IMI working paper 14. Oxford: International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein (2008) Migration and development: a theoretical perspective, IMI Working Paper 9, Oxford: International Migration Institute.
- de Haas, Hein (2007) Between courting and controlling: The Moroccan state and ‘its’ emigrants. Working paper No 54. Oxford: Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, University of Oxford, 2007
- de Haas, Hein (2007) North African migration systems: evolution, transformations and development linkages. IMI working paper 6. Oxford: International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein (2007) The impact of international migration on social and economic development in Moroccan sending regions: a review of the empirical literature. IMI working paper 3. Oxford: International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein (2006) ‘Turning the Tide? Why ‘Development Instead of Migration’ Policies are Bound to Fail’, IMI working paper 2. Oxford: International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- de Haas, Hein (2005) Migrants Change the Appearance of Morocco. MDR Working paper no 5.
- de Haas, Hein (2005) International Migration and Regional Development in Morocco: a Review. MDR Working Paper no. 4.
- de Haas, Hein (2005) Morocco’s Migration Transition: Trends, Determinants and Future Scenarios. MDR Working Paper no. 3.
- de Haas, Hein (2005) International migration, remittances, and development: the need for more awareness. MDR Working paper no 1.
- de Haas, Hein and Hassan El Ghanjou (2000) General Introduction to the Todgha Valley (Ouarzazate, Morocco): Population, Migration and Agricultural Development. IMAROM working paper series no. 5. Amsterdam : University of Amsterdam.
- de Haas, Hein (2000) Modelling for the IMAROM project. IMAROM working paper series no. 4. Amsterdam : University of Amsterdam.
- de Haas, Hein (2000) Striking a Balance. IMAROM working paper series no. 10. October 2000. Amsterdam : University of Amsterdam, 12 pp.