How Migration Really Works
- de Haas, Hein (2023) How Migration Really Works. First Edition . Penguin.
The Age of Migration
- de Haas, Hein (with S. Castles and M. J. Miller) (2020). The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World. Fully revised sixth edition. Red Globe Press. Click here for flyer and free sample chapter and table of contents.
Comparative Migration Studies
- de Haas, Hein (2021). “A theory of migration: the aspirations- capabilities framework” Comparative Migration Studies 9 (8).
International Migration Review
- de Haas, Hein (with Mathias Czaika) (2014) ‘The Globalization of Migration: Has the World Become More Migratory?’ International Migration Review 48 (2): 283-323
- de Haas, Hein (with Katharina Natter and Simona Vezzoli) (2016). “Growing restrictiveness or changing selection? The nature and evolution of migration policies.”International Migration Review doi:10.1111/imre.12288
- de Haas, Hein (with Mathias Czaika) (forthcoming, 2016). “The Effect of Visas on Migration Proccesses.” International Migration Review.
- de Haas, Hein (2014) Migration theory: Quo vadis? IMI Working Paper No. 100 / DEMIG Project Paper No. 24. Oxford: International Migration Institute.
Migration: a CoMPaS anthology
- de Haas, Hein (2014) What drives human migration? In B Anderson and M Keith (eds.) Migration: A COMPAS Anthology, COMPAS: Oxford.